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Special Events

Gardendale Mormon Temple

Community Outreaches

We have been privileged to participate in several different types of community outreaches in the metro Birmingham area over the years. For example, the Jehovah's Witnesses have their annual district conference in town, and we have been privileged to minister to them at this event.

One of the most recent outreaches we sponsored was at the Mormon Temple pictured above that opened in the Gardendale community of Birmingham in 2000. During the week before the temple was dedicated, it was opened for tours by the public, and the Mormons used this time to try and present themselves as a "Christian Church.". In response, our staff joined with other Christians in the Gardendale area to present the real truth about what happens behind their temple doors. If you want to know more about this outreach, click here.

Special Fundraisers

Every year, we sponsor several events designed to raise funds for the ministry so that we may continue to spread the Gospel message to our community and the world. Two of these events are: The Bragan-Stegall Memorial Golf Classic, and the Watchman Ministry Banquet. If you would like to know more about these events, please click on the links or contact us.

For more information about any of our special events, make sure and look at the Spotlight page on this site, and please feel free to contact us for any further details.