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For more information on Jehovah's Witnesses, please visit our web catalog; or click here to order a free information packet.
When her daughter died of sudden infant death syndrome, Gladys Brown had a compelling desire to make sure she would be with this child at her own death. Thus began her search for God.
She started visiting various churches but felt that they did not provide what she needed. Then, one day two people came to her door and shared with her how she could live forever in paradise. They were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Here is how Gladys puts it:
“I invited them into my home and I was trained in the way of Jehovah. I attended several meetings during the week with Jehovah’s Witnesses. I did have a lot of fear about some things that I was taught, like no organ transplants or no blood transfusions, because I had a little girl who would need one when she grew older, but I feared what would happen if I disobeyed.”
Being associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses also meant Gladys would give up other things in her life. She stopped celebrating Christmas, Easter, and birthdays because she was taught that they were pagan. She became convinced that going to the Kingdom Hall and accepting whatever the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society taught was essential to her eternal destiny. What had begun as a desire to be with her daughter one day had brought her into the heartbreaking clutches of a cult.
However, God had other plans for Gladys. Her husband invited a member of Watchman Fellowship’s staff to visit Gladys and give her information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. At that meeting she was shown numerous documents from the Watchtower’s own publications proving that they were false prophets. More importantly, she was also shown from God’s word that salvation is not in any man or organization but is found only in Jesus Christ. Now listen to her words:
“Once I cut the Jehovah’s Witnesses loose it was no fear, only peace, because God clearly showed me that neither the Kingdom Hall nor the Watchtower Society could protect me. It is Christ and Christ alone who is my fortress. The Lord saved me. That was nearly fourteen years ago, and my walk with Christ has been more challenging than my life before, but I wouldn’t take a million dollars for it. I would like to add that I am truly thankful for Watchman Fellowship because I was headed to hell and the Lord used it to literally save my life.
Praise Jehovah!”
For more information on Jehovah's Witnesses, please visit our web catalog; or click here to order a free information packet.
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